Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sun FD in H-Alpha 30th of March 2022 - 5 hours 18 minutes timelapse, Arne Danielsen

Sun FD in H-Alpha 30th of March 2022 - 5 hours 18 minutes timelapse

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Sun FD in H-Alpha 30th of March 2022 - 5 hours 18 minutes timelapse, Arne Danielsen

Sun FD in H-Alpha 30th of March 2022 - 5 hours 18 minutes timelapse

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



This time-lapse animation is made up from 898 recordings. Each recording consisting of 280 frames (20 seconds at a forced framerate of 14fps and 960x960 pixels). The recordings ran back-to-back from 09:16 to 14:34 UTC. There was a small hiccup after about 90min (the computer froze) which resulted in about 15min of recordings were lost. A total of 1TB of raw-data was recorded for this time-lapse.
The best (sharpest) 100 frames from each recording was then stacked in AutoStakkert!3 before they were aligned, sharpened, normalized and contrast-stretched in ImPPG. The final processing step was downsizing to 1200x1200 pixels and creating the resulting animation in PIPP at 15 fps effectively compressing the 5h 18m down to 59 seconds.
Solar telescope was mounted on an SkyWatcher AZ EQ6 Pro in EQ-mode and guided with a Hinode SolarGuider. There's a small amount of field-rotation due to a slightly off polar alignment.
